Riverview Health Foundation’s Women of Vision Event is now an online virtual event. Grab your lunch and join us for this engaging online experience benefiting women's and children's services at Riverview Health.
Minda Dentler, paralyzed with polio as an infant, overcame failure and roadblocks to become the first female wheelchair athlete to complete Kona’s Ironman World Championship. In this keynote, Minda challenges viewers to see beyond their fears, get back up, set goals and conquer their personal Ironman.
Register today for this engaging online event on Thursday, August 27 from 12-1 p.m. to hear Minda’s amazing journey > https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/WebLink.aspx?name=E166811&id=19
Thu, August 27, 2020
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Riverview Hospital