Rx Drugs

There is hope

52 million Americans over the age of 12 have deliberately misused prescription drugs at least once in their lifetime. And the risks are high. Misusing a prescription drug can be fatal the first time it happens. Or it could lead to an addiction that destroys your life and hurts those around you. But that doesn’t have to be your story.

There’s hope and a path to healing. Get the facts and take your first step to lasting change today.


Myth: Prescription drug misuse never starts with legitimate use.

A lot of people are prescribed prescription drugs by their doctor to deal with physical pain such as a sports injury. Sometimes that turns into addiction. If you or a loved one are in pain and a doctor is prescribing prescription pain killers, there are other options.

Myth: Online pharmacies are just a cheaper way to buy prescriptions.

According to a review by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP), only about 5% of the 22,000 pharmacy websites they surveyed complied with NABP standards, safety protocols and applicable laws. Since getting drugs from a non-compliant website can be very dangerous, they’ve made a database of legitimate and illegitimate online pharmacies.

Myth: Flushing old pills down the toilet is the best way to dispose of them.

While it’s important to remove unused drugs from your home, flushing them down the toilet contaminates the water supply. Many locations offer permanent drug disposal boxes.

Rx Drugs 101

Learn more about prescription drugs

Seniors & Rx Drugs

Tools for preventing Rx misuse among older adults

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