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This video from the VA Mental Health and Chaplaincy Program addresses various causes of stress, distress, and emotional suffering, as well as ways clergy can help people cope in the face of such challenges.
This new resource, informed by faith community leaders and suicide prevention experts, aims to help equip faith leaders with the capabilities needed to prevent suicide and provide care and comfort for those affected by suicide.
This video from the VA Mental Health Chaplaincy Program helps clergy consider how their faith communities minister to the needs of persons with mental health challenges, including Veterans.
Basic trauma Information for congregations from the UMC.
This webinar by Key Ministry addresses what ministry leaders can do to raise awareness of trauma in their communities, and encourage people to reach out for help.
This resource contains liturgy examples, steps and ideas, tips for practical ways of doing trauma informed care, a glossary, and 2 videos.
Insights and resources to help churches and other faith communities do ministry with people affected by adverse childhood experiences or other trauma.
A compilation of local and national mental health ministry organizations
Discover a compilation of handy free toolkits and other resources
Learn how one youth group leader helped kids better understand their identity in Christ, develop supportive relationships with one another, and practice healthy habits towards better overall health.
This article from Grace Alliance stresses the importance of helping youth develop a strong identity in Christ, especially as it relates to helping foster resiliency during a mental health struggle.
There are many types of mental health disorders that affect youth. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) from the American Psychiatric Association provides a standardized classification of mental disorders used by mental health professionals across the United States in both clinical settings and with community populations. Additional information about specific mental health disorders and conditions that affect youth can be found on the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) website.
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