Sooner or later, suicide is something every ministry leader will encounter. Whether it’s someone experiencing suicidal thoughts or a community that needs comfort after a loss, what’s important is to be ready.
In this webinar, Glen Bloomstrom, the developer of LivingWorks Faith, will give an overview of the LivingWorks Faith program, a groundbreaking online skills training program that gives church workers and lay leaders readiness and confidence in suicide competencies. Blending Scriptural wisdom and proven best practices, LivingWorks Faith is designed for all Christian ministry leaders to learn key skills for suicide prevention, intervention, and post-vention within their faith community setting through engaging evidence-based video instruction and realistic scenario simulations.
Glen Bloomstrom is the Director of Faith Community Engagement at LivingWorks Education, an international suicide intervention training company. LivingWorks Faith training is informed by the Suicide Prevention Competencies for Faith Leaders: Supporting Life Before, During, and After a Suicidal Crisis developed by the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention. Glen holds degrees from Bethel University and Seminary BA, M.Div., Kansas State University MS, and the US Army War College, MSS. He is ordained by Converge Worldwide (formerly the Baptist General Conference) and is also a Clinical Fellow with the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.
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Thu, September 30, 2021
12:00pm - 1:00pm
FREE Webinar
The Lutheran Foundation, in partnership with RemedyLIVE