Untangling Toxic Relationships and Trauma Experiences

Join Dr. Angela Tomlin from Riley Hospital at IU

Thursday, October 21 at Noon on Zoom

Dr. Angela Tomlin's free online presentation, "Untangling Toxic Relationships and Trauma Experiences," will uncover how trauma and relationships are connected, focus on new research about reactive attachment disorder, and take a closer look into how substances use disorder and trauma often coincide. Listeners will learn more about Reactive Attachment Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress, and differences in treatment regarding coinciding Substance Use Disorder with each.

The Speaker Series online event is hosted by Hope Academy, Indiana's only recovery high school. Please register here > https://www.eventbrite.com/e/untangling-toxic-relationships-and-trauma-experiences-tickets-167624650843?blm_aid=31848

Date and Time

Thu, October 21, 2021

12:00pm - 1:00pm
