Feb 11, 2021 12:00 PM
If you work in the field of education, you are probably more than familiar with the idea of SEL skill-building for our young people. But have you taken a deeper look into the concept of transformative SEL as a guiding lens for your own leadership? In this session, participants will understand how transformative SEL impacts their practices in the classroom and beyond, and will leave with questions for reflection.
Sponsored by The Leadership Program. Register here > https://tlpnyc.zoom.us/webinar/register/8216128083155/WN_lBKISITFS3mjRaZmKt_V3Q?utm_campaign=CTA%20Webinar&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=110103813&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-9LnR3-RMf6p_wtZ1QaiO0qqQQXgbhoIiZ-iYQVkRyFkuSJZ-0yqMdYkM1LZclXMA1zj6O8fc1ohRnP8h_pVjUJRs0GylYaJxj-FL7TF-_x6TYyKVk&utm_content=110103813&utm_source=hs_email
Thu, February 11, 2021
12:00pm - 1:00pm