Push Back Against Microaggressions

You may barely notice when people are attempting to take your power. Or think you're overreacting. But you’re not. It’s happening. Those subtle acts of exclusion are called “microaggressions,” and, given time, they will burn you out.

Eliza VanCort, author of A Woman’s Guide to Claiming Space, knows that women who are the most successful in work and life are masters at claiming space. But to claim that space, we must feel safe—which means we must push back against microaggressions, mansplainers, and everyone else who would diminish us, bit by bit.

In Pushing Back When They Try to Push You Out, sponsored through Berrett-Koehler Publishers on May 12 at 1 pm ET, Eliza will explain how to create and reclaim that safe space for yourself and other women.

Register here > https://learning.bkconnection.com/pushing-back-when-they-try-to-push-you-out-claiming-space-and-safety-for-yourself-and-all-women?utm_campaign=EVC%20event&utm_medium=email&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_A4SgX8eTog_G_x7IGO7t1IKExGujrJZ343q_HVGdu-RdPBByNY8J2nvR5O-VmT4LPZITrXkkglZrixLEWnDAyYUiRpgYE_eqq6-_5r2KwyofY2JA&_hsmi=125291523&utm_content=125291523&utm_source=hs_email&hsCtaTracking=031def72-b96f-43d8-a728-b7c202cddaac%7Cb9ba6465-21ca-4469-964c-e1962f717bf1

Date and Time

Wed, May 12, 2021

1:00pm - 2:00pm
