IYI Virtual Youth Worker Café - Managing Stress & Self-Compassion for Youth-Serving Professionals

May 19; 12n-1pm

Our world is a very stressful place right now. This stress impacts every part of our lives, including work. Work, stress, health, and wellness are all interconnected. This training provides an opportunity to learn how to manage stress and bounce back so that you and your clients can thrive, even during difficult, stressful times.

Presenters: Jessica Hanna & Jessica Ryan, Mental Health America of Northeast Indiana

Register here > https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8682738184686859276?_cldee=a3Jpc3Rlbl9zZWliZXJ0QG5vYmwuazEyLmluLnVz&recipientid=contact-753cc5213301e811812ae0071b66aee1-50d3b379e54c4daf9563cb902ad2a807&esid=4760da36-b9a9-eb11-b1ac-000d3a19edf8

Date and Time

Wed, May 19, 2021

12:00pm - 1:00pm
