Abolish Arrogance with Humility

Why Status-Seeking Leadership Is Obsolete: Cure Toxic Culture With Curiosity and Vulnerability on April 13th at 1PM ET.

In a world that’s too complicated for any one person to understand alone, people who are willing to ask humble questions have the real edge. Staying humble and curious in environments that encourage individualistic and over-confident behavior is really hard, though! This live event will help you retrain your instincts so you can de-escalate all the toxic status games.

Register here > https://learning.bkconnection.com/why-status-seeking-leadership-is-obsolete-register?utm_campaign=Schein%20Event%202021&utm_medium=email&_hsenc=p2ANqtz--lWjKQLBaMi0sms02E2_IGfKZz_LAy45tc_RSwxMvmeMOyUu8RIsIEMx8bro2lN0vy7-BXMzjfpnsmLE7tiGdIaQn5doqXe-1qGUp-7lmk2gZs648&_hsmi=119882260&utm_content=119882260&utm_source=hs_email&hsCtaTracking=1bd557a3-0d9e-4e3c-a0ef-5bc7fc86e4c0%7Ca7042bcf-c893-48e3-a52a-af234fa9847b

Date and Time

Tue, April 13, 2021

1:00pm - 2:00pm
