2020 virtual Modern Governance Summit

At the Modern Governance Summit, each virtual session will discuss powerful ideas around topics that matter the most today – cybersecurity & collaboration, diversity & inclusion, and reputation & transparency. As a registrant, you will be able to access all session content after the virtual conference concludes.

Register here for the September 17 & 18 Virtual Summit - https://diligent.com/modern-governance-summit?utm_source=marketo&utm_medium=email&utm_content=event&utm_campaign=MG20Agenda&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWkdZelpHUXhPRGczWlRjeCIsInQiOiIyTTZQXC9NOGVNb2lzYThuRFdJTnk2dUIrb01UMThKcngxZ0JwYTNnbUU2UG9yR0tqV0oxNDBjNHlCMkZKV3N0Y1c2NmtYZ2o3MVFlSTJyblIyVTdHM3loc3BEMUpJUGhLRzFsNWEyOG55aEVjK2pqU1ErYWtHY1MxdzZVdjB4a3QifQ%3D%3D

Date and Time

Thu, September 17, 2020 -
Fri, September 18, 2020

12:00am - 11:59pm
