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Parenting a Child Who Has Been Through Trauma

Parenting any child is challenging, but parenting a child who has been through trauma adds complexity and difficulty that few are prepared to handle. Colleen Swindoll Thompson, Vice President of Insight for Living’s Reframing Ministries, will share some trauma-related parenting challenges from her family, and provide insights and helpful resources to help other parents of traumatized children.


Healing from Trauma

Healing from trauma is always possible — but how does it really happen? This one-minute video explains how someone might begin the healing journey.


Responding to Child-Sized Trauma

This essay by Dr. Beverly Yahnke provides an overview of some of the wisdom available regarding a child’s


1-2-3 Care: A Trauma Sensitive Toolkit for Caregivers of Children

The 1-2-3 Care Toolkit is intended to support caregivers on their journey towards trauma sensitivity. It is organized by topic, each offering a brief overview, specific tools that can be used with children, and where to find more information. Also included are handouts that can be used as teaching aids.


Trauma Healing Basics Discussion Guide

An easy-to-use resource that helps you move toward healing through safe discussion in small groups.


Trauma Caregivers Cards

Providing care for people living with trauma can be draining. These print-at-home cards can help you care for yourself and experience God’s love when the burden of caregiving feels overwhelming.


Recognizing Trauma: Things to Know and Ways to Help

This resource walks you through the three most common ways trauma presents itself in people’s lives. Within each of the three items, you will find important information about trauma, what the Bible has to say about it, and one action step that may help.


Beyond Disaster: A Survivor's Guide

This free booklet can help you with practical ways to care for yourself and your loved ones. It also can help you recover emotionally and spiritually from the trauma you experienced.


Helping Children Cope with Trauma: 8 Important Steps

This article provides 8 practical pointers for helping children cope with trauma and grief.


6 Things to Consider When Facing Traumatic Impact

A professional counslor offers 6 points to consider if you’re dealing with your own mental and emotional pain as a result of trauma.


What Would Jesus Say to Someone Struggling with PTSD?

If He walked the earth today, how would Jesus reach out and respond to those who suffer from the aftereffects of trauma?


Caring for Kids in a Household with PTSD

Learn six practical ways that you can give care to children who are living with someone suffering from PTSD.

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