The number of Americans lost to suicide has steadily climbed... from 29,199 in 1999 to 48,344 in 2018. And now, with the stresses of coronavirus, calls to one Los Angeles suicide prevention hotline increased 8,000% between February and March 2020 alone!
People who attend church are certainly not exempt from suicide, but, stastically, they do have lower rates. Why? What are pastors and lay leaders already doing--and what else can they do--to lower suicide risk in the church?
In this webinar, Dr. Karen Mason will present five ways that you can help protect your church from suicide without starting another program. She will discuss some of the obstacles to building suicide protections in your church, and how you can overcome them. Dr. Karen Mason is the director of the Masters in Counseling program and a professor of counseling and psychology at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. She is a licensed professional counselor and a licensed psychologist. Before moving to Massachusetts, she managed the Office of Suicide Prevention at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. She has worked in the mental health field since 1990 and her research has focused on the clergy’s and faith community’s role in suicide prevention. RemedyLIVE will bring unique interaction to this Look Up Education Series webinar through real-time polling and ways for viewers to interact with the presenter and her content.