Substance Use in a Global Pandemic: How the Faith Community Can Help

While we have all faced unexpected challenges this year as a result of the global pandemic, people with substance use disorder may be finding 2020 and 2021 especially hard. Social isolation, economic stresses, and other difficult events may prompt them to return to bad habits or prompt increased use as a way to temporarily handle the difficulties. Unfortunately, Fort Wayne is on track for record non-fatal and fatal overdoses this year.

In difficult times like this, what is the role of faith and the church? This panel discussion will look at what is happening locally with substance use, provide insights from a clinician working with people with opioid and stimulant disorder, share some unique ways The Lutheran Foundation is working with community partners to connect people to treatment and recovery services, and discuss how the church can support people and families facing substance use disorder.

A panel of local experts in drug intervention and counseling, the Fort Wayne police vice squad, and advocates for faith and mental health will discuss this important topic. Click for more details and to register.

Date and Time

Fri, November 20, 2020

12:00pm - 1:00pm


